歐盟匈牙利 國立德布勒森醫學大學
匈牙利醫學教育是領先其他國家,擁有最多國際生申請就讀,臨床醫、牙、藥及公衛等相關領域碩/博士學位,具有廣闊的就業前景和無限的發展空間。學生均在附屬醫院或申請到歐、美、台、日、韓及其他國家教學醫院進行基礎見習/臨床實習。參加畢業考(匈牙利國家考試)通過率高達95%以上及美國醫師執照考試(USMLE STEP 1)及格率達90%以上,程度受到全球認可及歐、美、加、台、日、韓等國家強力推薦。www.edu.unideb.hu
UD is Hungary’s oldest continuously running higher education institution (founded in 1538 ). Courses and education in general are based on practical and labour-market oriented knowledge far above the national standard. Partnerships with local and national companies ensure students have the opportunity to get an insight into business processes during their studies. Loan and Scholarship opportunities include the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, Erasmus and several federal loan possibilities. Accommodation: students can choose to rent dormitories or private flats; student hostels are located in the campus area, and are primarily occupied by foreign students. Several University restaurants and canteens provide opportunity for students to have meals at the campuses throughout the year.